Maize (Corn)

Maize ranks as 3rd most important food grain crop of India with 21.3 MT production. Its area has slowly expanded over the past few years from 6.3 m ha (2002) to 8.26 m ha (2011). The demand for Maize will continue to increase in view of booming live stock and poultry sectors in the country. India became exporter of Maize grain since 2007-08. Farmers prefer short duration hybrids under rain fed and long duration under irrigated system.

In Andhra Pradesh Maize is grown over an area 8.0 lak ha predominantly with hybrids. In recent years this crop found a new niche in rice follows of coastal Andhra Pradesh under zero tillage. The productivity of Maize in rice follows is comparable to the best yields obtained anywhere in the world of the order 12-14 MT/ha. Since, NRI Agritech is located close to Rice fallow niche we can study the requirement and reorient our research priorities.

NRI Agritech Pvt, Ltd., collected large germplasm with a view to broaden the genetic bases of source material in long term vision. Making single cross combinations to develop ideal hybrids suitable for specific locations with resistance to leaf blight and rust diseases. NRI Agritech developed Maize hybrids which are either superior or on par with the hybrid promoted by the MNC’s in Yield, quality and coupled with resistance to diseases.

Maize Hybrid NRI MH 2 Siva
  • Thick stem
  • Cob placement (6-7th node)
  • Cob diameter large, 18 grain rows
  • Grain color – Orange yellow, Semi dent
  • Kernal size large (342 g/ 1000 grain)
  • High yield 3.5 – 4.0 t /ac.
  • Moderately resistant to leaf blight and rust diseases
  • Maturity 120 days
  • Areas for adoption
  • All maize growing areas of AP, Karnataka, Telangana, MP, Orissa, Chattisgarh.
Maize Hybrid NRI MH 4 Rajeswari
  • Cob placement low (6th node)
  • Cob diameter large with 18-20 straight grain rows
  • Grain color – Orange Yellow
  • Grain type – Semi dent
  • Kernal size large (270 g / 1000 grain)
  • Moderately resistant to leaf blight and rust diseases
  • Maturity 120 days
  • High yield 4.0 – 4.5 t /ac.
  • Areas for adoption
  • All maize growing areas of AP, Karnataka, Telangana, MP, Orissa, Chattisgarh.


Seed Production and Marketing Projections of Hybrid Maize
YEAR Projected Market Volume Marketing value in  (Rs. Crores)
2015-16 200 3.00
2016-17 250 3.75
2017-18 300 4.50
2018-19 300 4.50
2019-20 350 5.25